Friday 22 February 2013

The End of the Daily Sketches! :O

So I need to get a LOT of work done for my grad project and to do that I need to focus and put 1001 percent towards it. With this I am going to stop posting everyday but rather post whenever I feel a piece is worth showing or the process is interesting enough to share.

Having recently tuned into Chris Oatley's awesome "art cast", I learned that posting a sketch everyday can be great but it can also be very stressful as there is always that sense of urgency and fear of missing a day. He explained that a healthy 'sketch-a-day' plan involves a project that you build towards completing. With every sketch you rough out the world and you get one step closer to actually accomplishing something rather that aimlessly sketching with no direction and goal. I like this model that he is suggesting and I'm going to try it out. I'm going to focus on my project but post once or twice a week to keep this blog nice and healthy. Another point he makes is to not get discouraged when you miss a day or two. When I was doing my daily anatomy sketches, I would feel a pressure building that I had placed over myself. This pressure worked in both good and bad ways as it got me working everyday but it always FORCED me to produce something everyday. Luckily for the daily anatomy sketches I was simply doing studies which makes it a lot easier. However, there were some tough days where I would come home and just wanted to sleep but remembered that I needed to do my daily sketch. That is not a comfortable situation to be in as the work produced is not going to be my best and uploading that just doesn't feel right.

With that all in mind, I go to sleep now without posting a sketch tonight. Even though I've sketched a lot today I can't show you it as I don't have a scanner at the moment and I am tired and wanting some sleep. Maybe when I get home I'll unload a bucket full of sketches and doo-dads. Until then, goodnight :D

Oh and the link to Chris Oatley's podcast that I mentioned is right here----->

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